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Propagandhi - At Peace col. Lp
ab 28,90 EUR
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Rancid - Tomorrow never comes (red) Lp

Rancid - Tomorrow never comes (red) Lp
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28,90 EUR
inkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Art.Nr.: 452658


VÖ: 2.6.23
Limitiertes, Rotes Vinyl

Rancid - the legendary Bay Area punk rockers are back with their 10th studio album, Tomorrow Never Comes on Epitaph Records. Emerging from the blue-collar swamps of Berkeley, California, Rancid has now been a living, breathing punk rock band for over a quarter century.

Back in 1991, after the demise of their much beloved and still influential first band, Operation Ivy, founding members Tim Armstrong (vocals, guitar) and Matt Freeman (bass, vocals) decided to do the impossible - start an even better band. Thus, Rancid.

Signing with Epitaph Records, the band released their first album, "Rancid," in 1993. Shortly thereafter, Lars Frederiksen (vocals, guitar) joined the band and they went on to release incredible records from "Let"s Go." (1994) to their classic - platinum selling "...And Out Come The Wolves." (1995). Drummer Branden Steineckert joined the band in 2003, cementing the line-up that rocks out till this day. Seeing Rancid live is a life changing experience and steady touring is in the plan for 2023. The band will tour Europe in June and the rest of the world soon after.

 Through it all, Rancid has remained fiercely independent, never losing their loyalty to community or each other. Their music confronts political and social issues, while balancing personal tales of love, loss, and heartbreak with attitude. Rancid gives their listeners a community where everyone can belong. By carrying on the traditions and spirit of the original punk rock bands that came before, Rancid has become a legend and inspiration to punk bands that have come after. They are the living embodiment of East Bay punk.

And if you don"t know all this by now -- you"re not playing their music loud enough!

Importiert von:
375 Media GmbH
Schlachthofstr. 36a
21079 Hamburg Germany

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Diesen Artikel haben wir am 19.04.2023 in unseren Katalog aufgenommen.