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A new part of the already legendary Aggropunk compialtion series. Again with new and old faces from the German-speaking punk circuit.
Bands amog others are: Dritte Wahl, Slime, Toxoplasma, Terrorgruppe, Die Skeptiker, Alarmsignal, Hass, Kotzreiz, Popperklopper, Rasta Knast, Fahnenflucht, Radio Havanna, Rawside ...
F&M Feral Media GmbH
Allersberger Str. 185 L1a
90461 Nürnberg
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Bomb Squad is for 4 issues. Out of germany: 20,- bank collection not possible.
All infos:
Kragen mit kontrastfarbenen Doppelstreifen
65% Polyester, 35% Baumwolle
Inhalt: SLIME, TOXOPLASMA, THE BRIEFS, TALCO, 7 SECONDS, AMEBIX, PESTFEST, ALARMSTUFE GERD, EMSCHERKURVE 77, BABYLOVE & THE VAN DANGOS, Liveberichte: St.Pauli / Stage Bottles / Modern Pets, ITALLION STALLION Fotobuch, Punk Aid für inhaftierte Punks in Indonesien, Anders Leben: Antifa Gaming und vieles mehr
This Product was added to our catalogue on 07/03/2019.